SENCER Summer Institute 2022
August 4-7, 2022
Draft of Preliminary Program (subject to change):
NCSCE Members get discounts on registration, so membership pays for itself! Before you register, join HERE!
Member Registration, 100.00
Non-Member Registration, 150.00
Members will be invited to attend a members-only meeting on Thursday night, August 4, 2022.
This year’s SENCER Summer Institute will take advantage our continuing virtual environment and combine synchronous and asynchronous content. Institute programming will be held online from August 5 through August 7, 2022. Our theme for this year's Institute is:
CRITICAL CONTEXTS AND CRITICAL PEDAGOGIES FOR STEM LEARNING—Advancing democracy, social justice, and care in STEM Education.
In 1997 Jane Lubchenco, the incoming president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, called for “A New Social Contract for Science.” As an environmental scientist she believed that the existential crisis of the human impact on ecological systems was foundational, and required that we must acknowledge the “intimate connections between these systems and human health, the economy, social justice, and national security.”
In the 25 years since her call, the range, complexity, and interrelatedness of the pressing problems facing the globe have become more painfully apparent. The climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, wealth inequality, technological threats to security and privacy have multiplied and intensified, with radically disparate impacts on vulnerable populations. In the US and globally, civil rights and hard-won liberties are being systematically rolled back in an effort to institutionalize inequities and unravel even the modest gains of the last 50 years, further disempowering under-resourced groups. In place of a “new social contract for science,” public trust in science, scientists, and "experts" in general, has hit a new low.
SENCER, founded in 2001, was an effort to respond to Lubchenco's call by adding "responsibilities" to the more generic idea of "civic engagement" and by putting complex civic problems, both national and global, at the center of STEM learning. In SENCER's 22nd year we must increase our commitment to advancing democracy, equity, and human flourishing and ensure they are at the center of our educational work in STEM. How can we as educators across the STEM learning ecosystem of k-12, higher ed, and informal ed, push back against the threats to both science and democracy, and empower our students and communities as civically and scientifically capable agents of change? Our keynote speakers represent scholars and organizational leaders who truly represent the SENCER “ideals” in their work to advance equity, justice, social responsibility and human well-being through research-based policy, advocacy and teaching.
Lighting Talks -- These are synchronous (scheduled, live) presentations limited to 5 minutes. The goal is to give participants an overview of your content and provide an opportunity for questions and follow-up via chat or live if time permits.
Recorded presentations - These are videos of no longer than 5 minutes that will be uploaded to the NCSCE Youtube channel . A designated session time (similar to a poster session) will be scheduled for video presenters to engage with participants via zoom breakout rooms. For a guide to preparing recorded submission go to: